About Nova
NOVA is an independent, coeducational day school that offers an educational program from pre-kindergarten (three-year-olds) through grade 12. The school was founded in 1997, and the purpose-built campus is situated in a residential neighborhood near the city center. The school year is divided into two semesters and extends from late August to mid-June. During the year, students have a one-week fall break (October), a three-week winter break, a shorter (February) break, and a one-week spring break (April).Curriculum
The Early Education Center (EEC) and the Elementary School (ES) division offer the IB’s Primary Years Program (PYP), an inquiry-based educational framework focused on developing the whole child, recognizing the importance of children’s academic, social, emotional, cultural, and physical development. The EEC curriculum is a play-based learning environment. The ES uses the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards, aligned with the U.S. Common Core state standards for literacy and numeracy. It also uses the AERO Science, Social Studies, and World Languages standards. Specialty classes, such as Art, Music, Dance, and Physical Education, are included for students in grades K to 5. Macedonian language and culture classes in grades K-5 are offered to local and international students in four phases, depending on comprehension. The Secondary School (SS) offers the IB Middle Years (MYP) and Diploma (DP) programs. Foreign languages (French, German, Spanish) and Macedonian language classes are part of grades 6-12 curriculum. The school uses Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), the MYP eAssessment, and the (P)SAT 8/9/10/11 to benchmark academic achievement and growth. Student Support Services provide academic and social-emotional support for students. The school aims to empower students and their families to accomplish mental health, wellness, educational, and career goals through a comprehensive counseling model. After-school activities are provided to all grades in sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, cross-country, swimming), arts (drama, band, choir, ballet, hip hop), languages, math, science, robotics, knowledge bowl, and speech/debate. The school is home to SuperNOVA athletics and academics, with students (grades 6-12) part of the program participating in CEESA end-of-season competitions and tournaments. Most NOVA graduates matriculate to higher education institutions in EU countries, the U.S., and Asia/Australia.
FacultyIn the 2023-2024 school year, NOVA has 199 total staff including 122 teachers, 11 of whom are U.S. citizens, 78 host-country nationals, and 33 third-country nationals from the UK, Canada, Taiwan, France, Peru, Turkey, Russia, and Serbia. All teaching faculty maintain a teaching certificate and/or credential.
StudentsAt the start of the 2023-2024 school year, student enrollment is 753 students including 51 U.S. citizens, 428 host-country nationals, and 274 third-country nationals. There are 40+ nationalities represented.
Facilities The school campus is composed of purpose-built buildings dedicated to an early education center, elementary, lower secondary, and upper secondary school. A sky bridge connects the elementary and secondary school buildings. To improve the mobility of our students, faculty, and staff, the school utilizes a panoramic elevator. Additionally, the school campus includes separate buildings for student support services, and administration offices as well as a separate building for the business office. The outdoor spaces include three gated playgrounds, a small soccer field, a basketball court, and a large outdoor amphitheater. The entire campus offers wireless connectivity. There are five science labs, three art rooms, two libraries, two full-service cafeterias with the third one under construction, two indoor amphitheaters, two music studios, two dance studios, a drama room, an elementary gym, and a design studio. The school uses an adjacent sports and recreational center for its physical education classes, bigger events, and competitions.