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Financial Assistance


Students who attend NOVA pay tuition and fees to cover expenses for classroom instruction, course materials and standardized evaluations (except external testing services). Scholarships and financial aid are available to students who meet the admission requirements and demonstrate a necessity for financial assistance. An example of this is the Boris Trajkovski - NOVA scholarship program.


Students should not be deterred from applying to NOVA. Payment plans are offered, and financial aid is available to families of students in grades 1 through 12 for whom the full cost of a NOVA education would be prohibitive.

Our financial aid program serves two purposes. 

It enables students to attend NOVA even though they may have a financial need. 

It provides NOVA with a well-qualified student body reflecting a broad social-economic mix.

Assistance is approved to families whose ability to pay is limited and those of more substantial means who may need a small subsidy to meet our tuition charges. The financial aid committee, comprised of the Director, the Business Manager, the principals, and the administration, decides on approving financial assistance. Financial assistance is needs-based; however, the student’s academic and extracurricular achievements will also be taken into consideration. Approval of financial assistance is conditioned upon submitting a complete application with all supporting documentation (listed in the RFA form), with the purpose of illustrating the need for financial assistance clearly.

Financial Aid applications are only considered when submitted within the regular admissions deadline.

Step 1: Pay the application fee (families pay 50% of the application fee).
Step 2: Submit the Financial Assistance Request (FAR) form.
Step 3: Collect all supporting documents to accompany your FAR form (salaries and other sources of income, personal annual tax report, bank statements, loans and other expenditures, and all other relevant supporting documentation), and include them with the FAR form.
Step 4: Provide a breakdown of your family’s budgets, income and expenses, and dispensable funds available for servicing your child’s tuition. 

Supporting documentation consists of your child's recommendations from their recent English teacher and from a teacher of their choice from the most recent school regarding academic achievements, extracurricular activities and leadership skills.

MAP testing and interview is required for the admission of Secondary School students only: The student sits for a diagnostic English and Math test, followed by a personal interview.

Only students that have gone through the full admissions process and have been accepted can be considered for financial assistance. 


Families of students receiving financial assistance must reapply each school year. Financial assistance may fluctuate depending on the size of the applicant pool or on any changes in the family's demonstrated financial need. Students who receive financial assistance must demonstrate good academic standing and a positive attitude as a precondition for financial assistance renewal.