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School Day

The school day begins promptly at 08:00 am and ends at 3:20 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Our Wednesdays are partially dedicated to teachers’ professional learning and collaboration therefore the day ends at 2:10 pm. Students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready to start by 08:00 am and may arrive from 07:45 am onward. It is essential that parents respect this schedule so their child does not miss an important part of the school day.

Students receive instruction in Literacy, Numeracy, Science, and Social Studies daily. Art, Music, Physical Education, and Dance are taught throughout the school year with two classes per week, and Macedonian Language classes take place four times per week throughout the school year. All of these subjects are taught under the PYP framework, each subject being part of the Unit of Inquiry.

K-5 students have a short breakfast snack from 09:35 am until 10:10 am, while PreK students have their breakfast from 08:25 am until 08:55 am. Lunch and recess are scheduled from 12:30 pm until 1:35 pm for K-5 students, while PreK students start their lunch at 11:40 am followed by quiet/nap time until 1:55 pm. Meals can either be brought from home or purchased from the cafeteria on a semester basis. Elementary students are not permitted to buy lunch in the cafeteria on their own, however, they may buy a drink to accompany their packed lunch or a hot meal brought from home. We encourage а healthy diet, so we ask that food brought from home is also nutritious and doesn’t include candy, sodas, and unhealthy snacks.

Students are not allowed to leave the building during school hours and are accompanied by their teachers at all times. 

Parents/guardians are expected to pick up their child(ren) promptly at 3:20 pm unless they are in a supervised extracurricular activity after school or enrolled in our after-school daycare program. Students can choose from a variety of semester-long activities that last until 4:25 pm. If a parent is late beyond 3:25 pm, the child will be taken to the after-school daycare room and charged an additional fee, after repeated occurrences.

If a child is absent, please call the administration office, using the 201 extension. Every day is an important day of learning, so students are expected to be at school unless they are ill or there is a family emergency. If a student is absent for reasons other than illness, parents should fill out a Planned Absence form prior to any absences, which can be obtained from homeroom teachers.

At our school, sports and games are always a better choice for our elementary school students than smartphones and video games