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Principal’s Welcome

Dear Secondary School students and families,

Welcome to another exciting year ahead! 

Let us be reminded of the key tenets of transformative educational practices, be they taking place within or without the classroom. Namely, we are looking forward to a year of enriching co-curricular and transdisciplinary learning experiences for our younger and older learners, be those through field trips, service as action projects, interdisciplinary units of study, Group 4 interactions, Personal Project and/or TOK Exhibitions, or Week Without Walls and CEESA activities. In a similar vein, we look forward to the next steps in the Professional Growth and Development policy for our faculty and staff, focusing on assessment and the hidden curriculum. This would include, but not be limited to, piloting the e-Assessments in the MYP as well as the Open Book Exam pilot in the DP. 

In the words of Paolo Frerie, a champion of critical pedagogy, “[k]nowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” Hence, we remain committed to a meaningful reimagining of student-centered learning, with emphasis on real-world skills as desired outcomes in a robust learning environment. 

Finally, continue to keep an eye out for our Secondary School Newsletter, make sure you activate your own Alma and Managebac profiles, and feel free to check out our Information desk for past recordings or access to other helpful resources.


Bela Gligorova, PhD
Secondary School Principal